White Wolf Mind's Eye Theatre The Masquerade 2nd EditionZoom

White Wolf Mind's Eye Theatre The Masquerade 2nd Edition

Item# WW-5200-MET-Masquerade-2ED-Book-PXW445
USD $9.99
White Wolf Mind's Eye Theatre The Masquerade 2nd Edition is a revolutionary storytelling game of live-action roleplaying. It is a type of improvisational theater in which you assume the role of a vampire. You determine your character's actions, invent your own lines, and experience the dark passions of your alter ego. Costumes and props are optional, your imagination is all that matters. Elegantly simple rules allow you to resolve conflicts quickly and easily, without stepping out of character. Though luck always plays a role, no dice or charts are involved. The Masquerade: Second Edition features: Complete and revised rules for creating and playing a vampire character in a live setting. Details on the intricacies of Kindred society and social structures, as well as expanded rules for status. A plethora of ideas and inspirational material for creating your own stories in the World of Darkness.
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