Knowledge Adventure Spider-Man Cartoon Marker CD-ROM KitZoom

Knowledge Adventure Spider-Man Cartoon Marker CD-ROM Kit

Item# Spider-Man-Cartoon-Marker-CD-ROM-Kit-PXCO-PXW102
USD $19.99
Knowledge Adventure Spider-Man Cartoon Marker CD-ROM Kit is a software package that allows the user to create animations with a minimal level of sophistication by utilising a library of backdrops, animations and sound effects from the 1994 Marvel Comics television series, Spider-Man: The Animated Series. System Requirements: Windows: 486SX25 or higher, MPC CD-ROM drive, 4MB RAM (8MB recommended), 4MB available on hard disk, Microsoft Windows 3.1 (enhanced), 640 x 480 x 256-color SVGA graphics, MPC-compatible sound card with microphone jack, speakers, mouse.
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