West End Games Indiana Jones Adventures RPG Book
Indiana Jones Adventures RPG Book is a supplement for the Indiana Jones Roleplaying Game. It requires the D6 System or the Masterbook.
Indiana Jones Adventures brings this world of action, archaeology, and mysticism to life. Based on the simple yet flexible D6 System rules, the game thrusts you into the pulse-pounding excitement of the movies in no seconds flat! Herein you'll find all of the skills, equipment, and characters you need to run Indiana Jones scenarios. A solitaire adventure gets you into the game right away, and three multi-player adventures provide enough material to play for hours.
Indiana Jones Adventures brings this world of action, archaeology, and mysticism to life. Based on the simple yet flexible D6 System rules, the game thrusts you into the pulse-pounding excitement of the movies in no seconds flat! Herein you'll find all of the skills, equipment, and characters you need to run Indiana Jones scenarios. A solitaire adventure gets you into the game right away, and three multi-player adventures provide enough material to play for hours.